Fully synthetic engine oil MOBIL 5W30 ESP 1L


    Mobil 1 ™ ESP 5W-30 is an advanced performance synthetic motor oil designed for exceptional cleaning power, wear protection and overall performance. Mobil 1 ESP 5W-30 is expertly formulated to help extend the life and maintain efficiency of both diesel and gasoline vehicle exhaust systems. Mobil 1 ESP 5W-30 meets or exceeds the requirements of many leading industry and automotive standards required for newer modern diesel and gasoline passenger car engines.

    Features and benefits
    Mobil 1 ESP 5W-30 is formulated with a blend of components designed to be fully compatible with the latest diesel particulate filters (DPF) and gasoline catalytic converters (CAT). Mobil 1 ESP 5W-30 is developed for outstanding performance and protection with the benefits of Fuel Economy.

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